Revelation and Gifts Confession – mobile
“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).
In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).
Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21).
Ephesians 1: 17-20: Father, please give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the present complete knowledge of You, so the eyes of our understanding may be further enlightened, that we may know better, the hope of Your calling upon our lives, the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in us, and the exceeding greatness of Your resurrection power in Christ towards us as saints in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).
In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water. Jn. 4:10, 14).
Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude.1.20-21).
Philippians 1: 9: Father, please may our love abound yet more and more in present complete knowledge, in all judgement, in all things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).
In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).
Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21).
Father, please fill us with the present (2 Pet.1:12), complete knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding (Col.1: 9) concerning using an abundance of the life of God to pray and to walk in the Spirit, and so grow into the perfection and fullness of Christ (Eph.4:13-16) individually and corporately in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).
In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).
Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21).
*** (Pray this daily)
2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12: Father, please vouchsafe (guarantee) us worthy of the high calling You have called us to in Christ (of His perfection and fullness) and fulfill this day in and through us all the good pleasure of Your goodness and the work of faith with power, so the name of Jesus Christ will be glorified in us and we in Him, according to and by Your mercy, His grace and the help of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).
In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).
Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21).
The gifts of the Spirit (I Cor.12: 7-10): the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernings of spirits, gift of special faith, workings of miracles, gifts of healings, prophecy, diverse kinds of tongues and interpretations of tongues are manifest through us as the Holy Spirit wills (1Cor.12:11) as we speak in tongues and lay hands on the sick and oppressed (Mk.16:17-18) and praise and worship God (1Cor.14:15).