A prophecy giving by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 1st of December, 2019
And the word of the Lord has come to me saying, “Hallow Me in your hearts, and hallow Me in your lives. Yea,” saith the Spirit “set Me apart and set Me aside in reverence and in awe. For the hour cometh and now is when men shall hallow My name in the earth, for now because of the disobedience of My people even the heathen blaspheme My holy name but the time is coming and now is, when My name will be hallowed in the hearts of men, even though those who do not know Me will hallow and fear My name, even as the Egyptians feared My name after I did My wonders through My servant Moses. Yes! That hour is upon you; the hour of My light , the hour of My power, the hour of My glory, when men will fear My name, when men will hallow and set My name apart and infact, many will find it a fearful thing to put My name upon their lips, for they shall come to see and know the Name: I am that I am, the Holy One of Israel, the Mighty God of Jacob, the Covenant Keeping God of Abraham.”
“As I was faithful in past generations even so now, you will find Me faithful in your generation even to a greater degree: for the glory of these latter house will be greater than that of the former. And the things I will do in this day and in this hour shall far surpass that which I have done in the past, yes! I will do great and mighty things and men will tremble and men will fear, and men will stand in awe at the greatness and the holiness of My wonderful name. So, I say unto you my people; sanctify Me in your hearts, sanctify Me in your ways, sanctify Me in your words, yes, hallow Me and I will cause My name to be hallowed upon the earth, as it has never been before, for that which I am about to do has never been seen, as it is written: eye has not seen, nor ear heard neither has been into the hearts of men, the thing that I will through and for them who love Me. This is the day and the hour of My sanctification,”saith the Lord.