A Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 26th of May, 2024

“The days of heaven upon the earth. The LORD said unto My Lord: ‘Sit at My right hand until I make thy enemies your footstool.’ ‘Whom the heavens must receive’ until the restitution of all things. Yea! saith the Spirit, the days of heaven upon the earth have come! That which has been prophesied by the prophets of old; that day and that hour is upon you where the worship on the earth will join the worship in heaven; where the atmosphere of heaven will be made manifest in the earth; where the glory that surrounds the throne will be seen and experienced by men upon the earth. Yes! The days of heaven on earth, heaven on earth have come upon you!”

“Therefore, prepare ye, saith the LORD! Prepare your hearts, prepare your ways, prepare your work! For My glory will come in a manner that men have never seen before. And they will say: ‘Ah! It is just like being in heaven!’ and indeed, It will be! For it would be heaven visiting the earth. And men and women will carry the atmosphere of heaven with them; they will take it to the office and they will take it to the market place, and men will say, ‘When I spoke and when they spoke, it was just as if God was speaking!’ And indeed, it will be: but it will not be you speaking but the Spirit of God speaking through you, and the power of heaven, the wisdom of heaven, the glory of heaven will be made manifest in the earth, and men, even unregenerate men will say: ‘Ah! ‘This is just like heaven on earth.’ And they will remember that which they learnt when they were in school: ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ And they will say: ‘Ah that which has been prayed is what we have seen in manifestation!”

“Prepare! saith the Spirit, for these are the days of heaven upon the earth!”