A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 10th June, 2012.
“Have I not said”, saith the Spirit, ‘If My people which are called by My name will humble themselves and will seek My face and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and I will heal their land?’
“Yes!” saith the Spirit, “for many, many, many, many have not humbled themselves. Yes! They draw nigh to Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. The heart is not bowed, the heart is not humbled, the heart is not meek, neither is the heart lowly.”
“Therefore, I speak both, even to you, My people and unto this land, ‘Learn to humble yourselves, learn of Me and be meek and lowly in heart.’ For it is to them that are humble, it is to them that are lowly, it is to them that have meekness of heart, will I show of My wisdom. It is to them I will multiply My grace, it is to them that My power will come forth in a measure that has never been seen in the earth, even up until now. It is them that will fulfill that which is written, ‘The works that I do, they will do and greater works than these’.
“Yea!” saith the Spirit, “I seek humility of heart, not in mouth, not in tongue but in heart.” Worship Me with the lifestyle of a humble heart,” saith the Spirit.
“I will make your life a praise in the earth; where you have had shame, I will turn your captivity before your eyes, for those that will humble themselves. For I am not a man that I should lie, and I do indeed watch over My Word to perform it, and to those that will seek Me with a humble heart, I will make your life a praise in the earth. Men will come from the North, from the South, from the East, from the West to see My glory and the excellencies of My wisdom.”
“Yea,” saith the Spirit, “draw nigh with a humble heart.”