A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 31st of August, 2011

“Yes!” saith the Spirit, “I will make your lives a holy praise unto Me. Yes! To demonstrate unto principalities and powers in the heavenly places, My manifold wisdom, as you use My blood, as you use My word and as you use My Spirit to forgive, to release, to perfect My love in your lives.”

“Yes! Causing to come to pass that which is written that “Love shall cover a multitude of sins.” By My love, cover the multitude of sins of the people around you, that My life, that My word, and My Spirit might prevail, and I will make you a praise in the earth. And men shall see you and say “Surely God is in the thee; This is our God we have waited for Him.” For you will save them,  you will save them by forgiving them, you will save them by asking life for them, you will save them by praying in the Spirit for them and you will turn around, and you will turn around and you will turn around the evil that enemy has caused in the earth, even in this hour! For is it not written, have I not said, where sin abounded grace will much more abound?”

“Yes!” saith the Spirit, “Let that grace abound in and through you more and more through the knowledge of My word, through the knowledge of forgiveness, through the knowledge of My blood, through the knowledge of My Spirit. Let grace abound through you to save men. For I have written and I have said, I will bring forth saviours from mount-Zion. Go forth and save men; by My blood, by My word and by My Spirit and I will make you a praise in the earth,” saith the Spirit.