Prayer for the Nation – mobile


Do this setting of will at least once weekly

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

I John 2:14: We are strong and have overcome the wicked one, Satan himself.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

I John 4:4: We have overcome all evil spirits, because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world,

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Matthew 18:18: Evil spirits who may be oppressing or attacking the souls, bodies and circumstances of ourselves, members of our immediate families and households, I cast you out, destroy your works, resist and bind you in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so  clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

I set my will and determine to apply completely and operate diligently (Ps. 119:112) the principles of perfection doing all God reveals to me to do (Phil.2:13): acknowledging  and inquiring of the Lord in my thinking by frequently {at least once every conscious hour (Mt.24:42)} asking the Holy Spirit with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) for mercy unto eternal life to be faithful to do all things with love (1Cor.16:14); by watchful praying in tongues to wash feet (Jn.13:14): forgive, confess and cleanse our sins (1Jn.1:9); ask for life (1Jn.5:16) and pray in tongues (Jude 20-21; 1Cor.14:18) for us to bind the devil (Mt.11:12; 12:29) in the air (Eph.2:2), enforce the kingdom: righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom.14:17), at least once every six hours, at every opportunity and during temptations as led by the Spirit (Gen.24:27), as I think (Phil.4:8) and act on the word (Phil.4:9); so praying  without ceasing (in my heart) in all honesty and humility, without fear, boldly and diligently by the mercy and grace of God.

Pray fervently in tongues for a short while (10-15 seconds) to release mercy and grace to bring to pass all you have just confessed. Meditate (think on and say in your heart) the confession as you pray in tongues.

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

I submit my will firstly to God through His word, and also through my conscience with reverence (without God I cannot survive spiritually: Jn. 1:1). Secondly, I submit to those in authority over me (spiritual fathers and mothers, pastors, husband, parents, boss,  etc) with reverence (without them I cannot survive physically and progress spiritually: Eph. 6: 1-3) and thirdly, to those I am in authority over (flock, wife, children, servants, etc.) with meekness (without them I cannot progress spiritually or physically: Eph. 4: 16) when what they say is in line with the word of God and will of God but it is inconvenient for my pride and  feelings making  me lower (Phil.2:7) than I think or know I am. I esteem my colleagues as better than myself and maintain an attitude of reverence to those above and meekness to those below me in authority, as well as towards all men, even when I think or know I am right and they are wrong.

Pray fervently in tongues for a short while (10-15 seconds) to release mercy and grace to bring to pass all you have just confessed. Meditate (think on and say in your heart) the confession as you pray in tongues.

Monitor your attitude through out the day. Exercise your heart in honesty by speaking the truth to yourself in your heart and humility by submitting your will to do this truth (Acts 24:16, 2Cor.4:2, Ps.15:2).

Before going to pray to receive the life of God and pray in the Spirit with all types of prayer it is vital to pray for humility, the seven spirits of God (Isa.11:2) and for a heart that loves God. Do this by praying the following prayers:

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

I choose to fear God (Pr.1:29) so I humble myself by submitting to the will of God even when I don’t feel like it (Phil.2:8) especially in prayer knowing the certainty of His judgement if I disobey (Heb.2:2) and the security of His mercy when I obey (Pro. 28:13; Jas. 2:13); so I have the humility of the mind of Christ ( Phil. 2:5).

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8). Time: About 1 minute.

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Father, please give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:17) in the present complete knowledge and spiritual understanding (Col.1:9-11) of You to grow into the perfection and fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:11-15), to walk in love (Phil.1:9; Eph.4:15; 5:2), to watch and pray always (Lk. 21:36): to make me as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove (Matt.10:16) and as bold as a lion (Pro.28:1) and give me the ability of the mind of Christ (1Cor.2:16) in Jesus Name.

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8). Time: About 1 minute.

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

I love God with all my heart: will, mind, emotions and strength (Mk.12:30); and I love my brethren as Christ loves them (Jn.13:34): washing their feet (Jn.13:14-15) by forgiving,  confessing and so cleansing their sins (Jn.20:23; 1Jn.1:9), asking life for them (1Jn.5:16) and praying for them in tongues frequently (1Cor.14:18; Jude 20) at least once every six hours (2Sam. 6:13, Mk.13:35)  and at every opportunity and in every temptation to cover for every hour through out the day, to help them repent to will and do of God’s good pleasure (Phil.2:13, Heb. 13:21).

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8). Time: About 1 minute.



The life of God is the spiritual substance inside God that makes Him God (Jn.5:26). It is also called living water (Jn.4:10, Rev.22:1). It contains His attributes: power, love, wisdom etc. It is important before we do in-depth praying in the Spirit to ensure that the abundance of our heart (Lk.6:45) is full of the life and power of God (Eph.5:18), Jn.6:63). This is similar to filling the tank of your car with petrol to ensure you can complete the trip.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (Jn.20:31).

Jn.16:23. Father, I strip myself of every confidence I might have in my knowledge or ability to pray, I place all my confidence in Your mercies, the grace of the Lord Jesus and the help of the Holy Spirit to use and increase my knowledge and ability to pray, as I pray now in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Jn.10:10. Father, give life to our spirits now, in a measure more than enough to enable me pray effectually and fervently to receive life and power from God through the word, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Eph. 3:16-17. Father strengthen us with might by Your Spirit in the inner man so as I pray, we will draw life and power from God swiftly and in great measure through the word, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Col.1:11. Father, strengthen us with all might according unto Your glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness as I go into prayer now, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Jn. 10:27-28. Lord, You are our Shepherd, we hear Your voice and follow You, as I pray now, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Is. 40:31. Father, we are serving You with our spirits. Renew now the strength of our spirits causing us to be stronger than all wicked spirits in heavenly places, so we will run and not be weary and walk and not faint, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.18:28. Father, thank You for lighting our candles, enlighten our darkness further now by Your life, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.18:32. Father gird us with strength in our hearts and bodies, and thus make our way perfect, in Jesus Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.18:39. Father gird us with strength in our hearts and bodies, unto the battle of faith and prayer as I go into prayer now, in Jesus Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:25. Father, give life to us according to Your word, so our souls will not cleave unto the dust, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:28. Father, strengthen us according to Your word, so our souls will not drop for heaviness, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life

Ps.119:32. Father, enlarge our hearts so that we will run the way of Your commandments, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life

Ps.119:35. Father, direct us in the path of Your commandments for therein do we delight, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:36. Father, incline our hearts unto Your testimonies and not to covetousness, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:37. Father, turn away our eyes from beholding vanity and give life to us in Your way, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:40. Father, give life to us in Your righteousness, for we have longed after Your precepts, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:88. Father, give life to us after Your lovingkindness, so shall we keep the testimony of Your mouth, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:107. Father, give life to us according to Your word, so we will not be afflicted very much, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:149. Father, hear our voice according to Your loving-kindness, give life to us according to Your judgement in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:154. Father, plead our cause and deliver us, give life to us according to Your word, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life .

Ps.119:156. Father, great are Your tender mercies, give life to us according to Your judgments, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.119:159. Father, consider how we love Your precepts, give life to us after Your lovingkindness, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Ps.143:11. Father, give life to us for Your name’s sake, for Your righteousness sake, bring our souls out of trouble in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Is 40:31. Father, I am serving You with my spirit. Renew now the strength of our spirits, causing us to be stronger than all wicked spirits in the heavenly places, so we will run and not be weary and walk and not faint, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life

Jn.3:36. I believe on the Son, we have everlasting life now, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Jn.6:47. I believe on the Bread of Life, we have everlasting life now, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Rom. 8:10-11. Christ is in us, our spirits have life now because we are righteous. Father, by Your Spirit Who lives in us, give life now to our physical members in a measure that is more than enough, to keep us in divine healing and health, to cause our youth to be renewed like the eagle’s, and to flush out of (by reversing in) our souls and bodies all of the sin nature, sicknesses, diseases, impurities, infirmities and so every effect of the law of sin and death operating therein, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Eph.3:16-17. Father, strengthen us with might by Your Spirit in the inner man so as I pray in tongues, I will pray effectually and fervently, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Col. 1:11. Father, strengthen us with all might according to Your glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with  joyfulness as I pray with all kinds of prayer in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit,  in  Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life

1 Thess. 2:12. Father, make us to increase and abound in compassion: spiritual sensitivity to be touched with the feelings of the needs, weaknesses and sufferings of the lost, the oppressed, the sick, the ignorant, the weak and the specific people I will be praying for even as You do toward them in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

1 Jn.2:14. We are strong and we have overcome the wicked one, Satan himself in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

1 Jn.4:4. We have overcome all evil spirits because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

1 Jn.5:12. We have the Son, we have life now, in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Jn. 7:37-38. Father, fill us afresh with the power of the Holy Spirit in the inner man and so cause to flow out of our spirits rivers of living water, as I go into prayer now, in Jesus’ Name.

Step 3b:  Making your prayer request.


Father, give life to our spirits now and that in a measure that is more than enough to enable us pray effectively and fervently as we pray now for our Nation Nigeria, as we pray with all kinds of prayer in the Spirit, to generate and to release more than enough of the power of God.

To cause those currently in positions of authority, leadership and influence to be given present, complete knowledge, understanding, wisdom, skill, divine guidance, strength and ability, favor with God and men, material and financial resources in abundance to rule and reign well, justly and in the fear of God, over the affairs of this Nation, so that we God’s people in this land, will continue to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, in particular to cause  peaceful resolutions of present issues of national tension  and danger, such as the Resource Control issue, the Niger Delta issue, election issues and terrorism issues.

To cause the Government, to continue to rule by the constitution and respect for the rule of law, making any necessary constitutional amendments according to the will of God.

To cause the President, the Vice President, the Executive, the Senators and the National Assembly and the Security and Armed Forces to have wisdom, courage and severity to overcome corruption and indiscipline, waste of our national resources and terrorism.

To cause all political leaders and parties to work in cooperation with the Government to bring Nigeria into her place of destiny, to restore the years the cankerworm has eaten and to remove bitterness from our political system.

To cause the President, the Vice President and the Governors and deputy governors to continue to have the spirit of Cyrus and their wives, the spirit of Abigail;  members of the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, Security and Armed Forces, the spirit of Gamaliel, as they rule over the affairs of the Nation.

To cause in Oyo State for the kingdom of God to come and His will to be enforced, so that we will continue to lead a quiet and peaceable life in this state.

To cause the President and the Vice President to continue to have increasing favor with the International Community to properly use our financial resources to help the Nigerian economy turn around, bringing economic relief to the common man. In this regard to continue to remove corruption from our body politic by swift divine judgment to bring the fear of the Lord upon all the people in the land especially those in leadership and authority creating a conducive atmosphere for foreign investment, enthroning a new mindset of integrity and righteousness in the minds of all Nigerians that righteousness may exalt our nation.

To cause excellence of operation in every facet of our national life in particular:

1.      Our Health Care Delivery System

2.      Food and Agriculture

3.      Education

4.      Communication

5.      Constant and efficient power generation and supply

6.      Transportation

7.      Housing

8.      Internal and External Security

To cause God’s judgments to continue to be on our political, military and religious leaders who are seeking to fan the embers of ethnic, religious and political intolerance, violence, and perpetration of evil and corruption in the nation: for them to be judged by divine judgment as well as according to the rule of law as a deterrent to all leaders: both present and future and so to banish from our land every spirit and attitude of ethnic, religious and political intolerance and violence.

To cause the President, the Vice President and their families, and all the key people that they would need to run a good government, to continue to be divinely protected and preserved from all evil and attack, both human and demonic and from spiritual and physical sickness and death.

To cause God’s judgments to continue to be upon the leaders and saints in the church that they may learn righteousness unto perfection for judgment must begin at the house of God.

To cause all these judgments to be tempered with mercy to minimize bloodshed and sorrow in our land by the force of spiritual arms through the ministry of angels, in Jesus Name. Amen.

You can add your own personalized prayer for spiritual victory……..

Step 4:  Prayer in the Spirit with all types of prayer

(1 Timothy 2:1-4; Ephesians 6:18; Hebrews 5:7)

(35-40 minutes.)*

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Holy Spirit, please pour afresh on me the spirit of grace, travail and compassion enabling me to pray with all types of prayer in the Spirit as I pray now. Dear Lord Jesus, in this regard, please release Your grace; dear Heavenly Father, please release Your mercies, as I pray now in Jesus’ name.  (It is vital to acknowledge the three Persons of the Godhead, in this way so your prayer will not be dull and mechanical, but refreshing.)

Proceed to pray with all types of prayer in the Spirit.

Step 5: Binding the Devil (Matthew 12:29) (1min)*

At the end of all the praying in the Spirit, we replenish our hearts with the life of God.  This is like refilling the tank of a car with petrol after a long journey.

Then pray:

Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so  clean with the blood (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim.6:14 and edify ourselves in love, Eph.4:15; 1Jn.5:16).

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Father, give life to our spirits now and that in a measure that is more than enough to bind the devil, loose the angels, confess the word and pray in the Spirit concerning this prayer request in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Wicked spirits in the heavenlies and in the earth that we have overcome during this time of prayer, we destroy your works, resist and bind you in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Evil spirits in the earth that may be oppressing or attacking the souls, bodies and circumstances of ourselves (self, members of immediate family and household) and the specific people we have prayed for, we cast you out, destroy your works, resist and bind you in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Step 6:  Loosing the Angels in the Understanding (Matthew 18:18)  (1 minute)*

Pray and say:

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

We loose the angels of God with the seven spirits of God: the spirit of the fear of God, of knowledge, understanding, wisdom and revelation, counsel, might and the spirit of love to go forth now in the name of Jesus to occupy the air and so enforce and execute God’s perfect will concerning our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Step 7:  Confession of Faith to Bring the Answer into Physical Manifestation (Mark  11:23; Romans 10:10) (1min)*

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

God’s perfect will concerning our prayers is established and in full physical manifestation in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

All the people and groups of people God is using to answer our prayers have the mind and ability of Christ, are meek and lowly in heart, redeeming the time and are temperate and protected from death in this regard in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Pray in tongues for a short while (about 1 minute)  and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).