A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson in January 2008
“Some have known Me as Lord, but now all the earth shall know Me as King.””For the days in which My kingly power, My kingly authority, My kingly influence shall fill the earth has come upon you.”
“Therefore, I will have thee draw nigh unto Me”, saith the Lord, “and I will draw nigh unto you and I will begin to show you the key of David and I will begin to show you the revelation of My kingly power and you shall begin to walk in it. You will exercise lordship, even My Lordship, saith the Lord. Not only over your personal life, but you begin to see My kingship, My authority in the life of your nation, in the life of the nations of the world.”
“You will stretch forth, as it were, the golden sceptre over lands and continents and they shall bow, and they shall cause the King of glory to come in. Yes, the gates shall open and the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle shall come in. ”
“For the day of revelation that I am King over all the earth has come. For is it not written, has it not being said. The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof and the people, and they that dwell therein. The reality of these will come forth even in this hour.”
“Therefore, you stay close to Me, saith the Lord, “that firstly, to you may come a revelation, not only of My being a Saviour, not only by being a personal Lord, but revelation that I am King over the whole earth. You will take the authority that I gave unto you, the insignia that I put upon your heart, upon your tongue, you will carry to the end of the earth, and in every tribe in every tongue, in every kindred, you will find that they will bow to My Lordship.”
“Yes, they will bow to My kingship, even those that do not bow, even those do not accept Me as Saviour and Lord will be forced to acknowledge that indeed I am the King of the whole earth, and there is no other God that can deliver like Me; for I would have shown forth by the force of spiritual arms, by the works of power that cannot be gainsaid, that cannot be denied through you, throughout the whole earth, that I am King indeed.”
“Even now,” saith the Spirit, “that kingship is exercised, even in your life, even now, even now,” saith the Lord. “The power of My Spirit sweeps through the air, and sweeps through your circumstances and sweeps through your bodies, and sweeps through your minds, and sweeps through your wills and your emotions to exercise that lordship in this hour.”
“Therefore, if there be anything in your body, if there be anything in your circumstances that is contrary to the constitution of the King, contrary to the Word which I have given, even now, it shall bow in the name of Jesus.”