A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson (1/5/2005)

‚Äö?Ѭ? Then were all dead, so they which live will no longer live unto themselves, but unto Him that died and rose again.

‚Äö?Ѭ?Above all things, he thought of you, so He laid down His life for you.


Above all thrones, above kingdoms and above the things of the earth and He put you above all. So now He demands that you put Him above all things: that you put Him first.


Yea, seek ye first the kingdom and its righteousness and all things shall be added unto you; even as He put you above all things and was exalted at the right hand of the Father and all things have been made subject unto Him, even so shall you be exalted and raised and seated at His right hand.


All things: principalities and powers are subject unto Him. So, worship Him in spirit and worship Him in truth, worship Him from your heart and put Him above all, and as you do that, He will exalt you and He will make you above all things: above all the wisdom of the world and above all the treasures of the world and above all the wealth of this world; all shall be under your feet.



Yea, they shall come and be at your disposal and you will tap into the treasures of the hidden knowledge, and you will tap into the treasures of wisdom, and you will tap into the house of love, and you will tap into the house of power and all things, all things will be made subject unto you, as you put Him above all things.