A Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 13th of June, 2012
“For I have not given you a Spirit of fear,” saith the Lord, “but the Spirit of power, of love and of sound mind. I will not have thee to be afraid, neither shall have you to be troubled in your minds. But rather, I will have thee to prepare. As I have said in My word, ‘Take unto you the whole armor of God and having done all to stand, stand,’ in this evil day. Be not afraid, be not dismayed by the signs of the times, the perilous times, and the famines and the pestilences and the gross darkness; but take the light of My word and let it shine upon your mind and you will be islands of light in the midst of the ocean of darkness. And your light will bring you peace, your light will bring you comfort, your light will bring you strength.”
“Yes! You will not be like the unbelievers and those that are living in darkness. And they will be afraid; and they will be wondering of the things that are coming upon the earth. But you will have peace like the children of Israel had peace in Goshen, when My judgment was coming upon Egypt. So, even you will have peace in this time and in this hour as you see My judgments coming upon a rebellious world that has turned its back upon Me and turned its back upon My Savior, and has turned its back upon My word; but it shall be well with you.”
“Therefore, take heed unto yourself and unto the doctrine! Take the blood, take the word and take the power of the Spirit, and purify yourself from within, that you may be accounted worthy to escape these things,”saith the Spirit.