Show Forth My Glory

Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 11th  of September, 2005.

My word declares that I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light that you might show forth the virtues, the Excellencies and the praises of Me – the Most High God.


Therefore, I will have thee consecrate and dedicate your spirit, your soul, your body and your possessions all unto Me. For by your life will I receive praise in the earth in this hour, for men shall look unto you and that which I have done in you and through you and they will give praise unto Me.


For from the earth shall praise and honor and majesty and glory arise unto Me because of that which I will do through you in this hour.

So lay down your all, saith the Lord, lay down everything, lay down your time, lay down your money, lay down your mind, lay down your intellect, lay down your strength, lay down your heart. And as you lay down all, I will give it back to you a hundredfold in this lifetime, and I will glorify Me in thee, saith the Lord, and men would never have seen anything like it.


Therefore, worship Me, worship Me, worship Me in spirit and in truth, worship Me with everything that you have, with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength and I shall be glorified in thee, Saith the Lord