A Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 15th of February, 2012

For thus saith the Spirit, “He that hath an ear indeed, let him hear. For there is urgency” saith the Spirit of God “and the Spirit speaketh expressly for you in a day in which judgement begins even at the house of God! A day of the purification of the church; a day in which My judgement and My fire shall come to refine My church as gold is refined and silver is refined, to burn away the dross and the wood and the hay and the stubble.”

“Therefore,” saith the Spirit, “take heed, even more earnestly to the things that you have heard and you have been taught, lest at any time you let them slip. Take heed and be doers of that which you hear and not hearers only. By mercy and by grace begin to walk in, and practice and fulfil and perfect that which has been instructed. For it is the day of great glory for the obedient, it is the day of great honour, a day of great blessing, a day of great wealth, a day of great honour that will come upon the church that honours Me; for they that honour Me will I honour,” saith the Spirit. “They that draw nigh unto Me, I will draw nigh unto them; they that exalt Me I will exalt them; they that show forth My glory, I will glorify them.”

“Therefore, draw nigh unto Me! Take heed unto thyself! Take heed unto the doctrine and continue in them, for in doing so you will save yourself and those that hear you under your covering. You will save them, and you will save yourself and you will be a partaker of the glory that cometh. Take heed!” saith the Spirit. “Again I say, Take heed!”